A Prayer of Love





We thank you Jesus, Light of Truth, of Freedom and Charity.

May a ray of Your Love enlighten the hearts that have passed away, to those who are close to passing away, the persecuted, the distressed, the ill, the poor, the robbed and the excluded.

Together heart to heart, we offer the great prayer of sufferance in communion with Jesus who lives in us for the Salvation of our souls and all our creations.

We donate with our hearts a thought of love and mercy to our brother animals that are subjected with no pity to sufferance and torture.

The Light of the Angel Creator illuminate our time and time of all times proclaiming

to God and to Man his Will to return to embrace eternal Love, Christ, and to invite all to follow Him in the Kingdom of Salvation and continuing to the Kingdom of Perfection.

The Angel Creator, Son of Christ, in the Beginning created God; the Spirit of God manifested the Word. The Word, Spiritual Energy created the light, the angels, the sky, the kingdom of minerals, the kingdom of vegetation, the kingdom of animals and Man in the image and likeness of God.

God, Inseparable Omnipresent Gift received the task to guide with Love the Kingdoms of heaven and Man the mission to guide with Love the universe of mineral, vegetation and animal. But then a part of energy separated from its duty and from the Word; that part ceased being God and Man.

In the Beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In all the created actions, perfect and imperfect, the impulse of separation is present, which has now become error.

The energy that moved away from the Word-God gave the beginning to other deviations and creations, creating other gods conditioned by the Spirit of division. Even a part of Adam’s energy separated and formed Eve; these energies persevering and following separation creates continuous contrasts, illnesses, wars, earthquakes, and devastating perturbations.

Repented by his creative experience, the first cause of imperfection, the Creator asked for help to his Father, Christ, to stop the creation from the separating energy that continued to evolve moving away from Perfection, from the Grace of the togetherness and from the Light of the Omnipresence.

In the Heart of the Angel Creator repentance became stronger for it’s first separating action and so addressed a prayer to His Father, Christ: “We thank you Father save us, transform our separation, give us the possibility to bring back all in unity. I am aware that my experience was the cause of this manifestation and now, for the great pain my heart is petrified with all the creation”.

From his own Generated Spark the Angel perceived the answer: ”Even you were One with Me. I have always been present in you, in the Generated spark: Mary”.

In front of this Light, Love manifested the warmth of hope and transformed into forgiveness. The Angel then decided to return to his Father by means of Mary.

He asked God, the Word, the Spirit Guides and to all the creatures of goodwill to meditate together how it was best to act in order to announce his plan to all the creation.

A part of creation accepted with joy his announcement remaining in silence, by fasting and repenting, another part rebelled.

A ray of Light transformed in Generated Blood and entered the Heart of the Angel

exhorting: “My Son listen to me….together let us prepare the conditions until I can incarnate myself in you and in all the creatures that wish to accept me, to give them the Way of Salvation, the Truth to return to Unity and the Generated Life to transform the created life into Real Life.

Tell the young girl Mary, pure Soul, ready to be the Spring of Grace that drops of Generated Blood are present in Her Immaculate Heart to be given to all the creatures of goodwill”.

Jesus from the cross with the Word tells Mary about her new task as a Mother and Guide to John, the first child returned to the Beginning.

The Angel Creator in Communion with Mary reveals this great miracle of Love to the slave-energy of separation, to all the genealogy created, to all the born who are seeking the Truth, to all those who have passed away that continue to look for the Truth and to all those that believe and live in Grace.

The Angel invites all to believe in the Light of Christ to receive the Gift of Gifts: the Baptism of Love so that we can go back to the Beginning in communion with Mary and John.

The Light of Truth reveals the meaning of the three crosses to the Creation. Jesus nailed on the Cross in the centre represents the Christ Father Generator, He is the Light that came in the darkness, a Gift of Example for his Son, the Angel Creator, for all children and for all their children’s children.

Every child coming from the kingdom of Angels or from the kingdom of minerals, vegetation or animal, following the impulse of separation, undergoes the same consequences and falling into disgrace.

Now, together with the great prayer which is our sufferance in communion with the cosmic sufferance in Jesus, we can transform separation in Unity of Love.

Jesus said: “Father let everyone be One like We are One”.

The cross on the right represents that part of Creation that today like then asks: “Lord take us into your Kingdom”.

Love, to the separated children who ask to return to the One and Trine Life of God replies: “Today you will be with me in Paradise of Forgiveness on the way to Salvation”.

The cross on the left represents the kingdom of separation that is refusal and opposition to the Light of Christ. Despite this refusal, Love renews the Gift inviting us to repent in order to return in the Kingdom of Salvation.

Perseverance acting in the Unity of Love is a virtue that leads to rebirth that allows us to know the Truth and to live it in the Gift of Love.

The Light of Mary exhorts her children: “Believe in Christ the Father do not believe in separation. Trust in the Truth as illnesses, errors and fears do not have life in them.

Believe in the Gift of Love, everything is possible with Love. Love has won the world”.

Every creature is divided in two parts: Good and bad; every action enriches one part and impoverishes the other. A creature will be saved when, with the help of Jesus reaches Unity.

The children of Mary are those who accept in their hearts the baptism of Love and the Grace in order to return to the Gift of Real Life.

Blessed is he who perseveres in wanting to be a good example and not an example of scandal.

For those who do not accept the invitation of rebirth in the Gift of Grace, at the right moment a new possibility will arise for them and they will be able to pray like this:

“Our Father who is in Heaven help us to accept the Gift of Salvation; help us to enter Paradise of Forgiveness and help us to resurrect with humility in the Gift of Love”.

In the virtue of great sufferance everyone will be transformed in Angels of Light.

A ray of Light of Love gives itself to defenceless and abandoned creatures urging them: “Courage, free your thoughts from created ties, look for the Light of Love and follow the Word of God which is Gift of Love”.

Together with the Angel Creator, together with all the Divinities, God, Man, all creatures incarnated and disincarnated to all the cells, present actions and past that accept in their hearts the Gift of Love, we thank Jesus the Holy Spirit, the Spark of the Immaculate Creator Father for the Grace of being able to resurrect in the Generated Blood in Christ.


Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Thank You Immaculate Word

Thank you Mary.