Every creature must ask itself: Do I believe in the Life of the Life?

Every creature must ask itself: Do I believe in the Life of the Life?

Every creature must ask itself: Do I believe in the Life of the Life?

Bringing forth a flood of beautiful words, devoid of the Generated Truth, means throwing the spear of lies into the Heart of Christ Jesus, killing the Life of Life.

Our existence is similar to a great orchestra: Humanity is the orchestra, while its instruments are the body and mind of every creature, and it is important that everyone plays their part in collaboration with the Love of Jesus.

The deceit of the carnality, the discontent, the sadness, the indecision, the fears, the selfishness, the lament of the poor, the greed of the rich, the desire to have the exclusive ownership of the Truth, the submission of our fellow human… all these are the jarring notes which conduct us and our children towards opposition against Love, against the Life of Life.

Living the Work means bringing forth, through our inner Jesus, a Spiritual Music which can harmonize and illuminate everything with which we live together in this temple of death.
By working together, the old temple of death will be transformed into the Glorious Spiritual Temple in the Heart of the Father Generator.

Let everyone endeavour to bring Light to their own will.

Infinite Thanks Christ Jesus