Faith as small as a grain of mustard seed moves a mountain

Faith as small as a grain of mustard seed moves a mountain

Faith as small as a grain of mustard seed moves a mountain

Jesus accepted dying on the cross in order to bring Life in death, to open a door that lets every creature move from death to a New Life, from the created to the Generated.
He entered every being, but only a small part inside ourselves accepted Him; the majority of the forces inside us is against Jesus, just as it happened two thousand years ago, when the people chose to crucify Jesus and free Barabbas.

Jesus suggests we meditate: if we have Faith as small as a grain of mustard seed, we can move a mountain.

This means that the Faith we have today is not complete, we need to start building a perfect Faith, albeit very small, and using this Faith, we can move a mountain. In fact, our children, who have been deceived and turned to stone by the forces of darkness, are locked up in the mountains.

There are countless mountains to move, but the first and most important one is fear, because it prevents us from evolving.

With Jesus, who led us to knowing the Father, not only can we get back our children, petrified in the mountain rock, but also we can lift the entire mountain, that is all our descendants and all of humanity.

We must try to lead all our children and every opposing force to knowing Jesus; in fact, a part of them do not know and do not feel Jesus, because demons have occupied the first place and brought a great deal of confusion inside of us.

Jesus said to us: “Who has seen me has seen the Father” because Jesus and the Father are One! We must put our Faith in these words, and by following the thoughts that come from the Heart, we will have the certainty of reaching the Destination.