Infinite Thanks Father in Christ Jesus

Infinite Thanks Father in Christ Jesus

Infinite Thanks Father in Christ Jesus

We ask that our encounter be guided by your Will and Blessed by the Generated Love of Your Heart, Light of Salvation for all.

Jesus presents himself with a single visiting card, which is the Living Example of His Words: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!”
Jesus asks every creature: “Which path are you on? Are you looking for the Light of Truth?”

Let every creature ask his own Holy Spirit: “Who am I?” and the Holy Spirit will reply: “I am  dead”.

Are we aware that Jesus invites us to be Born again?

Jesus leaves us His Peace and continues to say to us: Peace be with you…” because He does not see any Peace.
And then he tells us: “I have not come to bring Peace”, but the Cosmic War.

We need to invite all our children, with Love, to follow the Example of Jesus, in order to leave the wars of creation and reach the Generated Kingdoms.

Infinite Thanks Christ Jesus, Unity with the Father of all Fathers.