Jesus meets a young man and invites him to follow Him

Jesus meets a young man and invites him to follow Him

Jesus meets a young man and invites him to follow Him

Luke 9:57 “Conditions for following Jesus”.

Jesus meets a young man and invites him to follow Him.

Jesus asks us to follow Him because we are walking down the wrong path. If our path were right, Jesus would ask us to walk faster and harder to reach the destination of Perfection sooner…instead, He tells us to follow Him because we must leave the path we are on.

Following Jesus means being committed to helping others, trying to transform our selfish behavior, superiority, our hunger and thirst for what keeps us tied to the material realm and its forces.

However, the man replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father”. Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God”.

We must meditate on these teachings because Jesus reveled Himself physically in order to give Light, with His Words and His Example, to all incarnate creatures of all times.

In order to help us understand, Jesus gave us the example of the grain of wheat, which only when it falls to the ground and dies does it receive the energy to rise up and multiply toward Heaven.

Death does not exist for Jesus, because He told us that those who Commune with Him, even if dead, shall LIVE, as He is the only Way Out, the Truth beyond every lie, Immortal Life in order to transform all mortal lives.