John the Baptist

John the Baptist

John the Baptist

An angel of Light from the infinite Heart of Jesus carries to us the beat of love that knocks at each heart since the Beginning of Creation. The Angel brings us the Gift of Love and the awareness that nobody is that strong not to need to be loved.

The thirst of Jesus is a thirst of Love and, throughout the Universe, echoes the last request that Jesus made on the cross: “I am thirsty.”

Jesus loves us, but to love us totally He needs to be loved by us.

Jesus brought into the Creation the exchange of love: “Love each other like I loved you,” says Jesus. Only in this exchange the Energy of Real Love can be effective.

The Angel of Light came to speak to us about the Holy meeting between the Immaculate Mary and Elisabeth, her cousin and the sublime meeting of the Two Celestial Children they carried in their wombs.

We give thank to the Father Love Jesus, who not only descended to the nether world to free all the souls that have fallen under the slavery of error but he also said: “I will stay with you until the end of time.” This is infinite Love: Jesus not only brought Salvation, but will stay with us until the end of time and space.

When Elisabeth found herself pregnant through the Work of the Holy Spirit in late age, she kept herself hidden for five months to understand the great gift that God had given her.

At the sixth month of pregnancy for Elizabeth, the Virgin Mary came to ask for her hospitality because, as she found herself with child by the power of the Almighty, she was dismissed from the college of the temple in order to avoid a scandal among the religious establishment of those days.

Mary was eleven when she found herself with child, through the power of the Very Holy Spirit of the Generating Father.

The parents of Mary, Joaquin and Anna, were up in age and the little Mary had no relatives left, but on old cousin called Elizabeth. Mary, according to the law of those days, by being pregnant without being married and on top of that being inside the college of the temple, risked being lapidated. That is the reason why the Holy Spirit, in great silence, first hid Mary with Elizabeth and later on entrusted her to a just and God fearing man, named Joseph.

Elizabeth, on her part, was emarginated from society because as she was sterile she could not have children. In addition, she was married to a priest by the name of Zacaria, who performed in the temple. This condition of being without children was considered in those days a punishment from God.

The scorn of the public was equally cast on Elizabeth and Mary.

Elizabeth and Mary had been rejected by society but they were embraced by the Very High Father of Love.

When Mary was three months pregnant, she undertook a trip to go and ask hospitality of her cousin Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, as soon as she noticed the sublime greeting of the Immaculate was filled with the Holy Spirit. Even baby John, whom she carried in her womb, stirred in her womb at the presence of the Baby Savior Jesus, in Mary.

The encounter between the Soul of the young Mary, who represents the new Mother, the Grace, and the soul of old Elizabeth who represents the woman, the daughter of Eve, who has finished her reproductive cycle, was an encounter of Grace for the whole Creation.

And the encounter in Spirit between the Baby Savior Jesus and the Baby John, the last of the Prophets, was an encounter that emanated a radiant Light over the whole Universe.

How come that Mary arrived when Elizabeth was at her sixth month of pregnancy?

During the first five months the five senses of Elizabeth, who represents the woman born of the created man, turned their eye toward heaven, detaching them from the attraction and the desire initially turned toward lower earthly things. The sixth month represents the sixth day of creation, when Man was created. Mary therefore arrives at the sixth month so that in the Baby John the Man would take form, and remained until the nine month so that six would become nine (6 to 9) to bring everything toward the High.

Jesus, in the womb of Mary, remained for three months with John to infuse into the three planes of the body, of the soul and of the spirit of John the New Impulse of the Generated Love. Mary and Elizabeth, during the three months, kept praying day and night to remain united to the Light of the Holy Spirit that shone within them as well as outside them. In addition, they prayed to God in order to be able to face all the difficulties and verbal attacks coming to them from men who accused them of adultery and betrayal, according to the laws of those days.

By the Holy Sons they carried within themselves were not coming from the flesh or the created blood but from the Holy Spirit. The two cousins therefore were being protected by their own very children.

During the three months the two Heavenly children, Jesus and John, started to know each other and to talk to each other in Spirit. Jesus had made himself the Son of God and the Son of Man, because he had entered into the Creation, Daughter of the Father Creator and therefore had taken upon himself the Image of God and Man.

Jesus, by making himself the Son of God and the Son of Man, has shown his profound reverence for God, Son of the Creator Father, and his reverence for Man, Son of God. Jesus did not condemn Creation or the Creator Father but showed his profound reverence for every Will, totally free in the exercise of his free will.

Jesus, on the other hand, presents to the Creation the Example of the Supreme Will, which is the Will of the Generator Father who acts out of Perfect Love.

Jesus did not make himself a Father, but made himself a Son, to teach all human beings who make themselves into fathers that they need to get back to be children and thus recognize first and foremost their Father Creator and then their Original Father: the Father Generator.

Jesus came to save not to condemn Creation and to bring it back safe to the Father Creator. The Father Creator, on his part, cooperated fully with Jesus to bring back Creation in Salvation into the Hands of the Father Generator. Jesus then made himself into the Son of God and the Son of Man, but in reality he is the very Father Generator.

John the Baptist, on the other hand, is an Angel of God, sent into the world to prepare the Way of the Savior. In effect Jesus says: “He is the one of whom it is written: “Behold I send My Angel before You to prepare Your Way in front of you.” And again, John the Evangelist in the prologue of his gospel writes about John: “He was not the Light but came to give witness to the Light.” John is the most outstanding exemplar that Creation could express in preparation of the coming of the Generated Light.

John is the last Prophet who closes the cycle of the Prophets. In addition, he was assigned the delicate task to build the Spiritual Bridge between the Law and the Regenerated Love brought by Jesus. Jesus said: “I did not come to abolish the Law but to bring it to perfection.”

This makes us understand that the Law was not perfect, but had been made necessary to bring back Order among the created beings that had lost themselves in the Spiritual Disorder, in the body, in the soul and in the spirit as well. To bring the Law to Perfection, Jesus brought the two commandments of Love: Love God above all Things and your neighbour as yourself.”

Jesus brought an absolutely new reality: “Love.”

The Love with capital L has been brought by Jesus, who had received it from the Generating Father.

Jesus does not say to love His Father, the Generating Father but to love God Our Father above all Things. Only later will we know the Father of all Fathers: the Generator.

The created beings already knew love with the small l, love which enslaves the created beings with the attraction of the senses and the ties of the blood. It is a deceiving love, which enslaves the soul with chains difficult to break.

The Love brought by Jesus is free and makes the created beings free, that is those who receive that Love in their Hearts

Until the Coming of Jesus, God had made his light manifest through his messengers, but had kept back his Love, so that the fallen beings might have less energy to waste in the pursuit of error.

In the end Jesus introduces something absolutely unprecedented in Creation that dreams to be saved, because the Origin of Jesus is before the Creation.

In fact John the Baptist stated: “He who comes after me was before me.” The great task of John was that of recognizing Jesus the Truth and to invite those who were ready to follow Jesus.

John the Baptist was given an assignment by God who said to him: “He on whom you will see the Holy Spirit descends, he is the My Chosen Son who will baptize not with water but with Fire, that is the Holy Spirit.

Thus John the Baptist had to prepare himself to recognize the Messiah , the Savior, and in front of him to make the statement: “It behooves that I become smaller and he becomes greater.”

However, John, who is the son of Creation, was assigned another task from the God of non-perfection, from the God of separation who said to him: “He on who you will see the Spirit descends in a shape of a dove, he is the Person to fight, because he does not abide by the Law and acts also on a Saturday and does not kneel and does not swear loyalty to the embodiment of truth: the priests. I do not ask you to kill Jesus but to deliver him into the hands of those who can in fact kill him.

This was the great interior struggle of John the Baptist: on the one hand the God of Love invites John to prepare the Way for Jesus; on the other hand the God of separation invites John to kill Jesus.

Since the time he was in his mothers wombs, John was torn apart by this inner struggle. This is the reason why the Baby Jesus remained with John for three months, both in their mothers’ wombs, to infuse in the Body, in the Soul and in the Spirit of John the Baptist the new impulse of Generated Love.

The Baby John, in the womb of her mother, tells Jesus that he had come to earth to bring Order: order in the desire for hunger, order in the vanity, order in human interactions and order in reference to God and above all order in sexuality, that had gone beyond all rules and boundaries.

Jesus, in the womb of his mother, answered that he had been sent not to judge what was god and evil or the right and wrong but to bring Perfection to every heart. Baby John, in the womb of his mother, was beginning to get familiar with a new language never heard before.

John went on by stating that he had been sent by God to bring to creation to absence of desire and a right balance: in effect John he himself did not wish for food or drink or garments or a woman and his house was the desert.

Jesus kept answering that he had been sent by the Father of Love, the Father of al Fathers, to bring what would have taken away the great hunger and the great thirst of Man: Love.

Before his birth, John took Jesus into his confidence unveiling to him the great interior war that he carried within his heart: the fear not to be able to recognize the Savior, the shame of not accepting Jesus and the temptation to fight Jesus.

But Jesus never said to John: “I am the Christ,” the reason being that John needed to discover within his very heart and recognize Jesus Truth from his Holy and true Actions. The Baby Jesus on the other hand, before John was born in this earthly plane, advised him that all those who seek and then make manifest the Truth are persecuted and sentenced to death. Jesus advised him that both of their lives would be cut short and would be terminated by martyrdom; John would be beheaded and Jesus would be crucified a on the cross.

In the three months when John lived near Jesus in the womb of his mother, John became aware and acquired certainty and clarity and began to feel Love within his Heart. Since childhood, John was attracted by the desert, because in the desert there is nothing one can desire.

John brought into Creation the lack of desire, which is the necessary step to know true Love.

John was growing and becoming stronger in the spirit; he did not grow and become stronger in the flesh, but in the Spirit.

John came to bring order in disordered sexuality, which is the necessary transition to enter into the promised land, in which Jesus says: “ The children of this world get married and take wives but those who are deemed worthy of the future Kingdom will not get married or take a wife. In effect, they will be like angels of God in Heaven.

When Jesus made himself be baptized by John to make clear that it is necessary to pass through John that is the Spiritual order to enter the Promised land, John recognized Jesus because he felt in his heart the burning sensation of the new and Immaculate Love that Jesus had infused in him since he time he was in his mother’s womb.

Jesus began to enter into perfect happiness when he said: “I am not the bridegroom, but I am only the friend of the bridegroom and in this my joy is perfect”.

When put in prison by Herod, John who knew he would be killed, determined to turn around the duality that had been constantly with him and sent two disciples to ask the Savior: “Are you the one who is to come or are we to wait for someone else?”

Jesus answered the disciples and said: “Go back and report to John what you heard and saw:

– The blinds are recovering the sight

– The lepers are cleaned

– The deaf can hear

– The dead are brought back to life

– The Good News is announced to the poor

And blessed is he who is not scandalized because of Me.”

John understood very well that the last sentenced uttered by Jesus – “blessed is he who is not scandalized because of me” had been said exactly for him so that he could understand that to enter into the Dimension of Love brought by Jesus he had to renounce to the mind, daughter of a non Perfect Law which took scandal of the new feature of the Good News brought by Jesus.

In fact while John and his disciples practiced long fasting and penances, Jesus and his disciples ate and drank with the sinners. John and his disciples prayed and sang while Jesus did not pray but Acted in the Eternal Present because he was in constant and direct contact with His Father.

Jesus in fact says: “Can the Friends of the bridegroom fast perhaps, as long as the bridegroom I with them? As long as the bridegroom is with them, they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then, in those days, they will fast.”

John in fact, during the last few days of his earthly life, as he was in prison, accepted to be beheaded on the Spiritual Level.

When Herod had John the Baptist beheaded, the Baptist presented himself in Spirit already without his head, since he had entered with his Entire Being in the Spiritual Heart of his Fiend Jesus. Jesus in fact, talking about John, said: “Among those born of a woman nobody is greater than John the Baptist. However, the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than him.”

In fact, nobody born of a woman had yet entered into the Kingdom of God. John was the first born of a woman but shaped by the Holy Spirit to enter into the Kingdom of God and he was the smallest because he had just entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.

All those who already lived in the Kingdom of God were the created beings that had never detached themselves from God and never fell into the plane of the woman.

John the Baptist in the last days of his life allowed himself to be loved by Jesus. He bowed his head, giving up his way of thinking, tied to the non perfect Law, and opened his heart to the true Love.

John had kept his heart pure, free from desire, in the expectation to meet the True Love. He was given the grace to feel the impulse of Love coming from Jesus and to recognize the language of the Spiritual Heart that Jesus made manifest to him since the womb of his mother.

John the Baptist, then in the womb of his mother, when he met the Baby Savior then in the womb of Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and he was the first to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus had himself baptized by John there was an exchange of the Two Baptisms, and the water of the Law began to evaporate toward the High.

John the Baptist not only fulfilled the delicate task of building the bridge between the Law and the Love, but in the end he gave up the Law itself to enter into the Love.

The God of separation, in view of the fact that John had not handed over Jesus to kill him, demanded his head, but was unable to tear away his heart that had already entered into Jesus.

John then did not keep his disciples for himself. But once they were ready, he gave them up and before dying sent them to Jesus: the Light that had come in from darkness.

John was the first man coming from the plane of a woman to recognize Jesus and to enter into the Kingdom of God. The Joy of God spread to the entire infinite Creation because after eternity from eternity, thanks to the Work of Salvation of Jesus, one of his children had come home, in His Kingdom.

Let us give a profound Thank to the sublime union of the 3 J

John the Baptist

Jesus the Savior

John the Evangelist.

The union of the three J has built the bridge between the Law and Love.

John the Baptist brought the Law in the Love Jesus and John the Evangelist has cooperated to the transformation of the created love into Generated Love.

The three J have shaped the radiant rainbow that links the created to the Generated. John the Baptist entered into the Kingdom of God, John the Evangelist has entered into the Beginning; Jesus passed through the Beginning and reentered into the bosom of His Father, the Generator Love from which he came.

Now when the three J are reunited in the Heart of a Soul, under the three arches of the M of Mary, nothing can stop that soul who will enter and live in the Truth forever.

Thank You John the Baptist. You are the Spiritual Order and you prepare the way to recognize the Lamb of God Jesus

Thank You, Jesus. You made known to us Love and Grace, offered to all created beings.

Thanks You, Father of Love. You have set in motion the Free Exchange of Perfect Love that had stopped on account of the separation from you: the Exchange of Love is the Life that generates Life, the Love that generates Love.

Mary, thank you. Without you the sublime Union of the three J would not have been possible. Because of that Union a bridge was created to make the transition from the created to the generated.

A thank you to the Angel of Light, coming from the Infinite Heart of Jesus.