Night of Good Friday

Night of Good Friday

Night of Good Friday

The Spirit of this night manifests itself to those who keep watch, asking: “What do you see?
We see a large tree with many long branches; they represent our thoughts intertwined with our Soul, born separated from the Light of the Truth.
The Soul has been healed by Jesus the Transformer, thanks to the Mercy of Mary who accompanies us to Him.
The power that Jesus possesses is not of this world, that is why he said to Mary: “My hour has not yet come“.

During this long night of great suffering, Pilate questioned Jesus, saying to him: “Don’t you know that I have the power to crucify you and the power to release you?” Jesus answered: “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”  (John 19, 10-11).
It was the creative spirit that gave this power to Pilate and led Judas to betrayal, convinced that with the death of Jesus the Light of the Father’s Generated Love would die out.
The power that comes from above is not the Power of the Generated, but of the prince of this world – the great master of deceit – who knows the tricks to catch souls, and then eat them or throw them back into the sea of the creation.
Pilate wanted to free Jesus, but the power that dominated him from above did not accept the Unifying Love of the Father.

Jesus invites many creatures to Collaborate with Him. Thanks to the Light of Transformation which He gives us, we can free ourselves from the power of these infinite created kingdoms which are governed by the spirit of separation and Fly into the Love of Christ Jesus.

United together with the Sacrifice of Jesus, we thank the Light of the Father Generator

One would do well to meditate on this Revelation for three days.