Faith is manifested in the Light we convey

Faith is manifested in the Light we convey

Faith is manifested in the Light we convey

As Jesus passed through Samaria and Galilee, ten lepers came before Him and said: “Jesus, master, have mercy on us!”
Jesus invites them to go to the priests, and on their way the ten are healed. Only one of them goes back to Jesus to thank Him on his knees, and Jesus says to him: “Rise and go, your Faith has saved you!”

Faith is not manifested in declaring: I believe in God, I believe in my religion, in my family, in justice; Faith is manifested in the Light we convey; its rays expand into the Infinite Spiritual Universes, overcoming all created obstacles.

Planet Earth is not a stage where one can play one’s own part, but a place of inner growth to know one’s own Spirit and to verify whether it manifests Truth and Harmony; If this is not the case, every creature is invited to seek its own Faith and to listen to the Words of Jesus when He tells us: “I am going to prepare a place for each of you”

There is a force that heals us and there is Faith that Saves us.
Healing builds on the power of piety and brings us back to the old traditions celebrated by the priests.
Salvation comes from the True Faith and brings us to the Place which JESUS has prepared for all.

Thank You Jesus Saviour